Want "The Word"? Why not try the...

Disk-Back Service

to guarantee early delivery!

                            by Kei Of Carnage

To get your copy of THE WORD from issue 12 onwards follow the following

What do I do then?

    1.  Format 2 disks, make sure there are no errors on them...

    2.  Select a jiffy of sufficient volume to hold 2 disks and
        perhaps a piece of paper.

    3.  Write the following on said jiffy:  The Word - DiskBack
                                            107B Newton Road
                                            IP3 8HQ

    4.  Stick a 1st class stamp on it.

    5.  Drop two 1st class stamps into it, along with your disks.

    6.  Write your name and address on either a piece of paper or a
        sticky label that's big enough to cover the address on the
        front of the jiffy.

    7.  Seal it, and if you feel like it, write your address on the
        back as well, just in case like...

When should I post it?

If  you're sending articles on your disks (write:  arts included on disk
label)  then obviously it's better if you post them as soon as possible,
if  not (and WHY not?) then wait about three weeks from the release date
of  the LAST issue (which would be this one, presumably) before posting.

What do we do?

    First  I  check  your  disks for articles or letters (you can send a
covering  letter on the disk if you prefer not to annoy your neighbours/
parents  with  your  rattly  old 9-pin), and if I find any then they are
copied  to  a  drawer  on  my  harddrive,  but left on the disks JUST IN

The  disks can be Amiga OFS/FFS disks or PC 720/1.44 disks.  If PC disks
I  can  probably fit The Word disks in DMS format on one 1.44 floppy but
it's  safer  to send two!  Please specify whether you want the Word back
in  DMS/Full/HD  format.   If  you  included  a  covering letter that is
written  in  a way that expects a reply then you may get one but it will
be  on  one  of  your  disks  with the Word also but in DMS format.  DMS
format  is better for traders as you don't have to DMS it yourself as it
has already been virus checked and DMS verified beforehand.

Then I prepare your jiffy for posting, by removing the stamp and putting
one of the loose ones on, removing/covering my address with your address
and then putting your disks back in.  The ready jiffy is then put into a
TESCO  carrier  bag  ready  for  me  to  head  to the post box upon Word

Note:   Please  do  NOT  attach  the  stamps to an SAE.  If you do, only
attach one!

Then when the mag is finished and DMS'd onto my harddrive, I spend a few
minutes/hours making copies on all the disks in that drawer and drop 'em
in  the  post  to  you.  The Word is released 5 days before the official
release date listed on the loading ascii but only to members of Carnage,
traders  for Carnage and Diskback peeps so it arrives on your doormat on

For internet uses there is a Word Download Site:


Oversees Readers

 When  I took over The Word it was mainly a UK based disk magazine hence
it's non-appearance in the international scene charts (vote for us!) and
I  wanted  it  to  be  read  further  afield than the UK because today's
computing  scene  has  no  borders.   With  the  internet  we can travel
anywhere our imagination takes us so why not with The Word?
 However there was one aspect I did not take into consideration, readers
abroad  cannot send me UK stamps!  I therefore had to use all the stamps
I got from the diskback service to send these jiffies back overseas!
 During  recent  talks  with  contacts  we have decided to set up a Word
distribution   network   abroad   and   along  with  the  Word  on-line,
distribution problems will soon disappear.  However, untill it does.  as
well as the above, the overseas readers have to:

 * Send a postcard from their home town/area with the jiffy
   (postcardware) instead of a stamp.

 * Distribute The Word to at least 2 people outside of the UK.

 * Write a minimum of 2 articles. (Adverts accepted but not counted as
   an article)

